

Well, it’s the end of another great season at 153 Fish Camp.

God has blessed us with another fantastic summer… one that will hopefully never be forgotten. It’s been great getting to meet so many new people, as well as building relationships with friends. Thank you all for your prayers, donations, and support this past year, and us staff hope to see every single one of you up in Alaska again soon!

Thank you as well for all of the support from the blog-reading community! Thanks for sticking with it…even when it didn’t get updated for days at a time! Keep in touch! I’ll be posting here now and then throughout the year with new information regarding Fish Camp 2011… so be sure to check back every month or so! You guys are awesome. Thank you

God Bless you all!


The truck is fixed!

Thank you to Ed for all of the time and energy put into fixing the transmission on the truck. It’s working great!

Thanks for your prayers! Now onto loading….


Hey guys,

Sorry it’s taken so long to get the blog back up and running. We’re working hard in these last few days to prepare for the 2010 season of 153 Fish Camp! About a week ago we ran a huge load of freight and building supplies to the barge in Seattle, so be shipped up to the island. With the help of Dave Caudle and Ed Shoemaker, we built six wooden crates and filled them with everything from food to engine parts, and after throwing a pile of sheet metal on top, Mark and Tracy Gunkel drove it over.

Well, as some of you know, a road trip with the Gunkels is never without adventure. They ended up blowing a trailer tire and nearly ruining the transmission on the pickup. However, they were able to get the supplies on the barge and it is currently in Alaska, waiting for pick up.

Since this is the truck the Gunkel family drives up each year, the transmission had to be fixed quickly, so Ed and Mark went to work. They bought another transmission in Spokane, and are currently installing it as I type this. Please pray that it’ll come together quickly… we’re scheduled to leave on Sunday.

We also spent last weekend cooking food to be frozen and brought up to camp. With the help of Bill Bull, we put together 22 lasagnas and a potful of spaghetti sauce, enough to feed all seven camps this year!

I’m beginning to wonder if we have enough room on the truck for all of this food!

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