

While 2013 is mostly booked we have had a few last minute cancellations for this summer and have some prime spots available. We have 5-7 openings the week of June 24th, 2 spots for the week of July 8th, and 7 openings the week of July 22. Let us know right away if you are interested.


The bears are out enjoying the sun and the herring are in at the dock. I spent a little time this afternoon after school with Addie catching some herring. We did well. They are nice and big. I am seriously contemplating shooting a bear this Spring. If you would like to join me give me a call.


April 15th, 2012

Via Conference Call

Members Present:  Mark Gunkel, Ed Shoemaker, Jim Phelps

Opening Prayer:  Ed Shoemaker

Minutes Approved as corrected

Treasure’s Report:

Draft Budget on Google Docs, $10,611.78 Bank Account, $2,350.99 PayPal

Registrars Report:

6-9 Spots open Camp 1, 7 Spots open Camp 5, 7-10 spots open camp 7

Speaker Report:

Kevin committed to camp 3, Ron Hugh is considering camp 7

Old Business:


New Business:

Budget:  Ed has crafted a draft budget on Google docs and shared it with all of us.  We did a little work on it including:  reducing the campers to 76, adjusting the halibut donations to show $1000 profit after deducting the fuel and tackle, offset the $500 allocated expense to Meps with $500 income in tackle sales, Added halibut poles and looked at maintenance costs, looked at utility costs.  Depending on legal costs most of the new items look workable with the exception of maybe the new van.  This depends on what that would cost us with possible camper help.  Jim will explore this.  We will revisit the budget next week before approving.

FREEZER:  Jim announced that he has been working on freezer options but does not have quite enough information to make a recommendation.  There are now two options to consider – The Schwan’s freezer and another 20’ x 8’ or so van body freezer that runs on either a diesel engine or 220 3 phase plug in.  The body is on a 1999 Mitsubishi diesel truck (27’ OA length) and they want $8000 for the truck and freezer.  They might separate and will get back to him on cost for freezer only.  The owner of the Schwan freezer will donate it to the camp in exchange for an receipt letter from Jim’s church.  The church has agreed to provide it.  In another week or so he should have more numbers on cost and shipping.  The Schwan freezer plates are reported to have gotten cold when plugged in.

Speaker Guidelines:  No action yet but still on the list.  Jim and Ed are too email thoughts to Mark who will draft a copy for review at the next meeting.

Legal Travel:  Travel expense for Chuck to come down was approved.

Outboard:  It was approved to have Mark pursue and purchase 2 stroke 40hp outboard if able.

Next Meeting Sunday, April 22 4pm PST via conference call (916) 209-4534

Meeting Adjourned

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