It’s been a long few days here at 153 setup week, but rewarding. It’s actually starting to look like camp here again! Everybody has been a huge help, and being blessed with sunny, warm weather hasn’t hurt either!

Here’s Tracy setting out some lunch fixin’s.

Despite pouring concrete footings, setting up wall tents, building shelves, polyurethaning the floor, and lots and lots of sweeping, most of the guys (and girls) have still found time to get away and take a whack at the silvers rolling into the bay!

Jim, Robert, and Pearson with a load of fish:

These fish are brand new, and are hitting lures like crazy!

Congrats to Pearson Pahl, who caught his first salmon (consequently also the first one of the season!) here at fish camp! We’ve got him hooked for life now!

Believe it or not, we ran out of water already! I guess it’s going to take a while to get get used to the whole concept of “conservation.” 🙂 I guess it’s a good thing though… we found out later that the check valve on the water pump went out, which caused the pump to not build up pressure. 20 minutes, a replacement part, and a couple of soaked shirts later, the water pump started working again, and we were able to pay the local volunteer fire department (an old army truck with a water tank in the back) to fill our tank. I think Warren summed up the general feeling of the staff here with the comment “can we still have our coffee in the morning?!?”

One last interesting note – Don Hull, a local friend of the fish camp and accomplished sign manufacturer, offered to make us some decals for our boats free of charge. Who could say “no” to that? Here is a picture of one on a boat, and I must say, it looks fantastic! Thank you very much Mr. Hull!

If all goes well, our new halibut boat should be operational sometime tomorrow, so be sure to check back for pictures!

Thanks for your prayers and support.

  One Response to “Settin’ up camp as the fish are rolling in.”

  1. It sounds like everything is going together beautifully. I pray you all enjoy a great weekend as you get things ready for the first group of campers.

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